First Steps

This section explains how to start with developing in the FreiCar framework.


The first time you want to start the FreiCar framework, you have to build all ROS packages:

  1. Go to ~/freicar_ws and run catkin build.
  2. If the build fails due to missing dependencies, try running caktin build again. Due to interdependencies between FreiCAR packages, multiple builds may be necessary the first time.
  3. Once everything is built successfully, you have to re-source by typing source devel/setup.bash.
  4. To test the setup, you can try to start the simulator by launching start_carla.launch. For this please read the Simulator section section.

Now that you have built everything, some tips on using catkin in the future:

  • Run catkin build --this from any package directory to build only this package instead of the entire workspace.
  • If a package is causing trouble with the build (e.g. name collisions) and you're sure you don't need it for now, run touch CATKIN_IGNORE inside the package root directory to exclude it from future builds. This creates an empty file called CATKIN_IGNORE, which you can delete if you want to build the package again.
  • If a build is failing without apparent reason, try to rebuild the entire workspace:
    catkin clean
    catkin build
    source ~/freicar_ws/devel/setup.bash

More details can be found in the Catkin Cheatsheet.

Programming Your Own Code

We prepared a template node Freicar Agent (see freicar_ws/src/base/freicar_agent/) for controlling the real-world cars. It shows you how to send the "Track Request", get the localization pose from the Vive tracking system and send control commands to the hardware.

See the documentation on the Real-World Cars for how to start and connect to the hardware cars, start the sensor stack and finally the agent node.

Code Style

Always make your own private repository for your software. No changes to the submodules base, drivers or executables are allowed.

If you want to use code from these submodules you are allowed to copy these nodes, improve them, rename them and push them in your repository.