FreiCAR Environment
Complex robots always involve large software stacks and setup procedures.
To ease the process as much as possible we provide a complete docker container that includes everything you need, such as the simulator, libraries and IDEs.
Our scripts add a few aliases to your bashrc. So after building everything close every open terminal so that on the next start everything gets sourced correctly.
Our docker container will provide most of the tools you need in a single container. Using the container feels like a virtual machine that does not have the performance limitations of traditional VMs.
Everytime when you want to use the environment you need start our container: Therefore type
(freicar container)in a new terminal. It will ask you for the password of the user freicar. Guess what, it is freicar. This container must run only in one terminal at a time! -
Everytime you want to open additional terminals that interact with the containerized environment just open a new terminal and type
(freicar terminal). You will notice that the user changes to freicar. -
If you close the terminal where
is running, all sessions will terminate without warning! Using tmux or screen is advised.
The directory freicar_deps and freicar_ws are shared with your host. So every data that you create inside the docker within this directory can be read by the host, or vice versa. Additionally, only the data in these folders are persistent if you restart the docker environment.
Structure of ROS Workspace
Within the FreiCar container a ROS Workspace freicar_ws
will already be setup. In the workspace two git submodules are placed that contain several ROS nodes: base
and drivers
(and optionally executables
, which contains a closed-source carla demo agent).
The base
submodule contains some ROS modules that you need during the course.
NOTE: If there are updates to any submodules in the docker
repository (e.g. if there is new exercise code available) you need to pull the docker
repository using : git submodule update --init --recursive
Persistent Changes to Docker Container
Sometimes it becomes necessary to install additional libraries or packages if your program needs them. While you can install them in the docker container with sudo apt-get install
, the changes would vanish as soon you stop the docker.
However, you can make these changes persistent by executing the script commit_changes.bash
before closing the docker container. This will keep all changes you made and the next time you start up the container (with fcc
) you will have changed environment.
In the container there are two IDEs pre-installed: pycharm and clion. The first is for developing in python and the latter in C++.
Inside the docker you can simply type pycharm
or clion
to open the respective IDE.
Note in case of clion that you should register for an educational licence here in order to be able to use it.
This is a guide to setting up Docker and building a fresh FreiCAR image. As a participant in this course, Docker and the FreiCAR image will already be set up for you. Follow the usage guide above to start it. If you encounter issues with the environment, please do not attempt to install any drivers or rebuild the docker. Contact the course staff instead.
To set up everything on your pc you will need:
- A recent pc with a Nvidia GPU (better than GTX 1050 ti)
- Ubuntu >=18.04
- 100GB free space
In the following we describe the individual steps to make your pc ready!
- Install the latest nvidia driver on your pc. We recommend to use at least version 450 (the newer the better).
sudo apt-get purge nvidia*
get rid of your old driversudo apt-get install nvidia-driver-460
- restart your pc
- Clone the following repo to your pc (the hdd should have 100 gb free to complete the docker build, as it will download a lot of dependencies)
git clone --recurse-submodules
- enter the cloned repo :
cd docker
- install docker-ce and nvidia-docker with our script:
- Restart your computer (otherwise the docker demon might not be started)
- build the entire environment and download the simulator (this will take a while, >30min on a decent PC):
(You will be asked for your sudo password at some point in order to install the docker image to your pc) - You are all set! :)